So I did it. ^_^ I wrote 50,000 words in one month. Less than a month, actually! And as you can see, it was quite the roller-coaster! The last week of November was my proudest, since I consistently managed to stay above my word requirement when for most of the month I'd just fallen short.
So now what do I do? How am I going to move forward? What becomes of this blog, now that NaNoWriMo is officially over?
Well, now that I have some completed short stories (as well as some incomplete ones), I can start editing them and expanding upon them, so they read even better and make more logical sense. Just because I completed this challenge does NOT mean I'm going to just brag about my achievement and sit on my laurels. I still intend to work at my craft. It's pretty obvious that all the stories I've posted here are rough first drafts, with all the spelling/grammar errors and unnecessary filler words. When I'm through with them, I hope to have some polished little diamonds. ^_^
I've also been thinking of submitting the best ones to magazines or contests. Maybe I'll put most of my stories into a real, physical book. I'm not sure yet. But I feel this month has given me a lot of confidence when it comes to being an actual writer. This year it was a collection of randomly prompted short stories. But maybe the next time I attempt NaNoWriMo, I'll have an actual idea for a novel and follow through with it. ^_^
As for the blog, for those few of you who are reading and keeping up, I might keep it on to post about my publishing progress. Maybe I'll even use the Story War cards again once in a while and make a short story based on them, only this time I'll have the freedom to use as many words as I feel, and not be under a strict time crunch. Haha.
Anyway, I appreciate all the people who have supported me throughout this month-long challenge, most especially my family. I appreciate all the comments that have been left on my stories, and I'm so glad to know that my stories were read and well liked. ^_^
Hope to post again soon!